Here are today’s dispatches from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1. Media shock! Sarah Palin’s emails reveal a “disciplined mind.” From AOL Weird News: AOL Weird News brought samples to two writing analysts who independently evaluated 24,000 pages of the former governor’s emails. They came back in agreement that Palin composed her messages…

Here are today’s Top 10 dispatches from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1. Spider-Man movie producer dies. From The Wrap: “Spider-Man” producer Laura Ziskin died Sunday evening. She was 61 and had been battling breast cancer for seven years…She was best known for her work on the “Spider-Man” franchise, which brought in over $1.5…

Here’s this morning’s Faith, Media & Culture Hot List: 1. Actor L. Warren Young  sees something special in Field of Vision. The talented African-American actor, who you may recognize for his roles in such films as The Blind Side and We Are Marshall, says the TV movie (airing tonight at 8:00 PM ET on NBC)…

Looking for good things to watch on TV or at the movies here are some suggestions. 1. Field of Vision (Saturday 8:00 ET, NBC) Synopsis: A mysterious video camera that somehow reveals secrets of the past comes into the possession of Lucy McFarland, the younger sister of  Tyler, Sinclair High School’s star quarterback. When the…

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