Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith, media & culture: 09/07/22 Separation of Mirth and State. I recently spoke with Kyle Mann, Editor-in-Chief of the red-hot fake news site The Babylon Bee (which. at least by some estimates, has even surpassed The Onion in web traffic) about The Babylon Bee’s Guide to  Democracy: How…

Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith, media & culture: 09/02/22 Friday Media Scroll: Bad Politics Edition Quote of the Week: Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. – Desiderata by Max Ehrmann © 1927 Timeless wisdom. Unfortunately, in…

Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith, media & culture: 08/29/22 A big week for Kathie Lee Gifford. The four-time Emmy winner, screenwriter and bestselling author’s latest book The God of the Way (W Publishing) releases tomorrow (8/30) and her film The Way  debuts as a Fathom Event in theaters on Thursday (9/1). Our…

Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith, media & culture: 08/26/22 Belief alone is not faith. That’s a promo line for Being, a TV pilot that uses science fiction to explore faith themes. The film, currently in post production, features Jenn Gotzon and her husband her Jim E. Chandler who I got know while…

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