Here are today’s dispatches from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1. Aronofsky’s proposed Noah movie rides a wave of support. From SlashFilm: Darren Aronofsky‘s wish to make his Bible-based fantasy epic Noah an “event” film is about to take one step closer to coming true. The project has been seeking a studio to…

Here are today’s dispatches from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1. Cultural shift continues as New York okays gay marriage. The cable networks scrambled to cover the state legislature’s historic vote on Friday night leading to at least one ironic segue and, of course, Hollywood was all atwitter. IMHO: The gay marriage train…

Here are today’s dispatches from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1. Fair and Balanced debate: Jon Stewart v. Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. IMHO: The Daily Show and Fox News Sunday hosts both represented their sides well.  They’re also both right. There’s a conservative/Republican bias at Fox and there’s a liberal/Democrat…

Here are today’s dispatches from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1. Anthony Weiner heckled during resignation announcement. From Ben Smith @ Politico: He wrote his final statement, with apologies to his wife and brother, himself and it was still structured like a political speech, leading with a paean to the middle class.  That…

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