Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith, media & culture: 05/14/21 Review: Finding You is Notting Hill for a new generation. If you’ve been waiting for Hollywood to rediscover how to do a romcom, you’re wait is over as Finding You arrives in theaters today. The film is both a well-made throwback to the…

Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith, media & culture: 05/10/21 Dangerous times. He has argued 36 cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and was the Independent Counsel whose investigation of President Clinton led to only the second presidential impeachment trial in U.S. history (following by 130 years the acquittal of President Andrew Johnson…

Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith, media & culture: 05/07/21 Two pros take a swing at bringing a beloved golf parable to the big screen. From the set of the upcoming film The Mulligan (based on the beloved novel The Mulligan: A Parable of Second Chances by Ken Blanchard & Wally Armstrong), Eric Close (Nashville,…

Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith, media & culture: 05/03/21 CBS Sunday Morning declares Cancel Culture to be a new wedge issue. At the same time, Ted Koppel’s report on the issue notes that it’s been with us for generations and was once known as Political Correctness. I give the journalistic icon credit…

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