The Fox Broadcast Network unveiled it fall schedule to advertisers yesterday. Read about the shows and view videos here. As I did yesterday with NBC’s fall schedule, I’m indulging my network programmer  fantasy and offering my own out-of-the-box alternative to Fox’s plan (utilizing their own pilots)  which comes with the sensibilities of someone who believes…

NBC has announced its fall schedule. Here ‘s a night-by-night rundown. New shows are in caps. You can view clips from the new shows here. Following each nights rundown, I rundown my thoughts and have some fun pontificating about how I personally would have scheduled the night. True, I bring my Christian faith sensibilities to…

Family Guy is hardly family programming. So says the Parent Television Council’s Barbara Warburton who goes further and declares “Shows like these are leading toward the destruction of morality… nothing seems sacred anymore.” Her comments are particularly interesting because her son (actor Patrick Warburton) voices paralyzed cop Joe Swanson, one of the characters on the…

ABC announces its fall schedule next Tuesday. Here’s a list of what’s under consideration as compiled by The Wrap. Dramas Charlie’s Angels A remake of the ’70’s pop classic with Robert Wagner providing the voice of Charlie. Damage Control A P.R. spin doctor tries to save her clients from bad press. Georgetown Think of it…

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