Faith, Media and Culture

Here’s today’s FM&C Hot List. 1. Faith Ford’s role in Field of Vision hit home. I had the pleasure of participating in an online chat with the Murphy Brown/Hope & Faith star about her latest work, Field of Vision, the latest in the P&G-Walmart Family Movie Night series of TV movies set to air this…

Here’s today’s Faith, Media & Culture Hot List. And, I must say, it is a bit disturbing how many items involve organs, and not the musical kind. 1. A-Twitter over Weiner. From The Wrap: An errant Twit-pic of his bulging underwear landed Rep. Anthony Weiner in a doozy of a political scandal. Thus when the…

Here are today’s dispatches from the FM&C Hot List. 1. How not to make a pro-life movie. New Jersey state Senate candidate and ex-judge Kenneth Del Vecchio premiered his latest film The Life Zone, in association with his Justice For All Productions, on Saturday at the Hoboken Film Festival, which he co-founded and chairs. The…

Here are today’s dispatches from the FM&C Hot List: 1. The don’t call it The Left Coast for nothing. Ben Shapiro, author of Primetime Propaganda, is unleashing audio evidence of Hollywood’s blatant anti-conservative bias on YouTube. Here’s Susan Harris, the creator of Soap and The Golden Girls lamenting the “medieval minds” of people who don’t…

Yesterday this space reported (#2 on the FM&C Hot List) on the really not-so-shocking revelations found in Ben Shapiro’s new book Primetime Progaganda.  What was kinda shocking was the pride some in the industry openly took in their anti-conservative bias, a bias that sometimes apparently involves job discrimination based on political leanings. And, of course,…

Here are today’s Top 10 dispatches from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1. 40 years since the debut of Stanley Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange. Here’s star Malcolm McDowell talking about the milestone to The Wrap: “When it first came out, the audience sat there in stunned silence. And I’m thinking, ‘They hate it!…

Here are today’s Top 10 dispatches from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1. Glenn Beck talks about GBTV and his new clothing line (for real!). 2. MSNBC’s Ed Schultz apologizes to conservative radio host Laura Ingraham… …and she accepts. If you’re curious about the comment that led to all this, here…

Actually, I expected to write something a little bit snarky about Oprah’s final show.  While I’ve always liked her and acknowledged the genuine good she has accomplished, I (like many others) was sometimes turned off by the near Oprah worship sometimes exhibited by her fans. But, to her credit, she acknowledges that her message is…

Here are today’s Top 10 dispatches from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1. O nO!  HarOld Camping wrOng. The wOrld tO end tOday! Or maybe I’m just suffering frOm the Onset of EOS (“Empty Oprah SyndrOme”). Check out 8 defining moments from the Oprah show here. 2. Sarah Palin: The Movie. From Real…

Here are today’s Top 10 dispatches from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1. (Almost) Final thoughts on Harold Camping. From Anthony Sacramone @ First Thoughts (posted on Sunday): With the possible exception of Harold Camping himself, nobody wanted the world to end yesterday more than me. I’m thoroughly sick of the joint. War,…

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