I just returned from a weekend at the beach on Tybee Island with my two-year-old twins girls. My wife, having just come through a skin cancer scare, has imported long-sleeve, UV-protected bodysuits for them from Australia. Looks like she may have been looking to the wrong continent. Is this SPF 1472? Time, on the newest in Muslim chic:

Move over, Tankini. Since the full-coverage swimsuit dubbed the Burqini (as in burqa plus bikini) hit the international market in January, devout Muslim women have been snapping them up. The polyester suits were designed to accord with Islamic laws that require women to dress modestly and to eliminate the risk of drowning when the yards of fabric used in traditional burqas get soaked. Now, however, non-Muslim beachgoers are getting into the full-covered swim. Whether women are worried about health, weight or the tolls of age, the Burqini offers a comfortable alternative to a skimpy two-piece or clingy maillot.

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