Josh Marshall on the outing of a demented Foreign Service officer: It seems that 20-year career Foreign Service officer Patrick Syring wasn’t cut out for bringing America’s message of tolerance, peace and democracy to the Middle East. Last summer, while the bloody but inconclusive war between Israel and Hezbollah raged over the skies of Israel…

The debate over Jimmy Carter’s book may have been only the beginning. The war over the Israel Lobby is already underway in advance of a new book, and counter book, being published this September. I haven’t read the books, so it’s hard for me to comment at this moment, but the debate triggers a number…

Somewhere, Thomas Jefferson is smiling: “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” is still the coin of the realm. Overall, Americans are definitely satisfied with the life they lead. Almost all (94%) say they are satisfied, with over half of U.S. adults (56%) saying they are very satisfied with the life they lead and 38…

An important milestone in my house last night as Mrs. Feiler Faster kindly admitted that I’ve been predicting the backsplash against bottled water for over a year now. No use linking to all the posts I’ve made about this subject. (OK, just one.) Now, the anti-bottled water campaign seems to be reaching the Dripping Point.…

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