I know lots of people are saying the Vladimir Putin considers himself God, but it seems he’s willing to teach Russians about alternatives. In a fascinating development that’s sure to rile the debate over teaching religion in American schools (I’m for it, as I’ve written about here), Putin has responded to a fury over a…

Newsweek has a fascinating cover story this week on the future of the book, timed to coincide with the newest e-reader book silver bullet by Amazon. The retailer is releasing Kindle, which it hopes will do what all the previous e-readers have not done: sell. Here’s Newsweek, by contrast, describing the perfect reading device: “It…

Soaring in the polls in Iowa, Mike Huckabee is getting some scrutiny to go with his mo. Mr. Wallace, on Fox News Sunday, asked Mr. Huckabee about a range of alleged ethical shortcomings –- including accepting gifts while he was still governor of Arkansas. The Fox host quoted one Arkansas journalist’s assessment that Mr. Huckabee…

If you’re a woman of a certain age, better think twice before you down that sweet potato souffle on Thanksgiving! Or, for others I know: Better have seconds! Check out the last line of this amazing article about the Ultimate Twin City, Igbo-Ora, Nigeria, the self-proclaimed “Land of Twins.” There is hardly a family here…

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