And not a moment too soon. After losing out on a $1.5 million chair in Islamic studies last month, Temple University announced it has received a new gift from a local energy executive and former Catholic seminarian to fund a chair in interfaith dialogue. Harry Halloran, 68, who took just one religion course at Temple…

Finally we are hearing talk about a truce in the battle over race between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. I don’t buy it, exactly. The Clinton folks have too much too gain by subtly pointing out that race still divides America, Obama is black, he once did drugs, he spent a lot of time in…

Princess Diana has posthumously entered the interfaith relations debate a decade after her death. The inquest into her death heard that her mother called her a “whore” for “sleeping with Muslim men.” Frances Shand Kydd made the comment when she discovered her daughter was in a serious relationship with heart surgeon Hasnat Khan. The pair…

As a parent of preschool-age children, I face this all the time. But in the sacrament? The Rev. Bill Miller-Zurell was recently presiding over Communion, moving from congregant to congregant, offering the body, offering the blood, until he got to a little boy who, seeing the piece of bread, stopped the pastor short. “He asked…

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