Food critics. Movie critics. Why not sermon critics? Singing hymns and clasping hands in prayer, they look like regular church-going Christians. But the worshippers at some Sunday services in Britain definitely are not. Instead they are mostly nonbelievers paid $60 a pop to rate churches in Britain on everything from sermon length to after-service refreshments.…

It’s worth nothing that the Feiler Faster Thesis was coined eight years ago this week following John McCain’s stunner victory in the NH primary over George W. Bush. (Week here is definted in political terms, not calendrical ones, meaning it was after the NH primary, not the second seek of January.) The original ideas as…

Suddenly he’s not so cute and clever anymore. TNR uncovers a trove of old Paul newsletters that suggest the TX congressman harbors “decades worth of obsession with conspiracies, sympathy for the right-wing militia movement, and deeply held bigotry against blacks, Jews, and gays. In short, they suggest that Ron Paul is not the plain-speaking antiwar…

Daniel Rodosh explores the hidden mean of Huckabee’s “vertical politics” phrase. The phrase is Christianese. And while it’s used in a variety of contexts, it’s most commonly applied to distinguish one type of contemporary Christian music — the type that Huckabee plays — from others. As the Lyrical Theology blog put it, “Christian lyrics can…

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