Central Maine caucuses for WALKING THE BIBLE on Thursday nights. Central Mainers can “visit” the Holy Land while discussing “Walking The Bible,” by journalist Bruce Feiler, at St. Matthew’s Intersection Book Club beginning Thursday, Feb. 7. Sessions will also include showings of the three-part PBS documentary based on the book that takes readers and viewers…

The chatter about Obama and the Jews is likely to increase as the nomination fights heads into the final weeks. Josh Marshall reviews a number of the charges here (with more in his piece.) Here’s one: If things continue on their current trajectory and Barack Obama is the Democratic nominee we should get used to…

Why are Catholics supporting Hillary in greater numbers, and why aren’t more people talking about it? If the Catechism Gap is real, this could be a problem for Obama going into the Ohio and Pennsylvania primaries. Both states are culturally similar to the states where Obama ran worse among Catholics and both states have large…

A blogger reflects. I have to admit I’ve never really LIKED this particular season, Lent. It has always seemed so gloomy. I don’t like morose approaches to faith and life in general. One of my colleagues said to me light-heartedly today, “To dust I shall return? No way. I’m going to have myself cryogenically frozen!”…

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