From the Savannah News-Press: Sam Nunn for vice president? It sounds far-fetched. For one thing, the former U.S. senator from Georgia has said he’s not interested. For another, there is no indication that Barack Obama, apparently close to clinching the Democratic presidential nomination, wants him on the ticket. And Nunn hasn’t ruled out the possibility…

Three years ago this week, my wife and I were counting down the days of her bedrest until she hit 36 weeks. We had been told that this was the gold standard for twin pregnancies. Thirty-six weeks was considered term, would be the comfort spot for developmental milestones, and would even mean that our daughters’…

He’s an athiest, despite the rumors. Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev made clear this past weekend that he is an atheist after European news agencies last week claimed that he had confirmed his Christian faith during a visit to the tomb of St. Francis of Assisi in Italy. Gorbachev, the last communist leader of the…

Peggy Ornstein writes in the NYT Magazine about an underdiscussed side of Barack Obama and the unspoken reality of Interfaith America: The rising number of bi-racial, cross-cultural Americans. The term of choice: Hapa. Mixed-race marriages were illegal in at least 16 states when Obama was born, though the taboo was historically inconsistent — white men…

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