Zogby has released a new survey of book-reading habits in America. Over 80% said they prefer to curl up with a printed book over using the latest in reading technology. Women (85%) are more likely than men (79%) to say they prefer reading printed books. Reading printed books also has greater appeal among older respondents, although it is by far the preferred method among all age groups. Just 11% of respondents said they are comfortable reading books in other formats, such as online or with an e-book reader or PDA.
Some other highlights include the number of people who sneek a peak at the ending and the (clearly low) number of people who confess to having a library book sitting around the house.

More than half (52%) admit to judging a book by its cover, with younger respondents more likely to acknowledge a book’s cover influences their opinion – 66% of those younger than 30 said they judge a book by its cover, compared to just 34% of those age 65 and older. More than a third (35%) said they have purchased a book because of a quote from another author. When they find a book they like, the vast majority (89%) said they make a special effort to look for other books by the same author. Women (92%) are more likely than men (86%) to seek out books by authors they already enjoy. Other findings about reading preferences and habits include:
Most said they typically read just one book at a time, but a sizable 40% said they usually are reading between two and four books at once. Another 3% said they generally read more than four books at one time.
While 19% said they borrow most of the books they read from the library, the vast majority of Americans (78%) said they own most of the books they read. And while 71% are quick to loan books to friends, just 32% said they are in the habit of borrowing books from friends.
Respondents were also asked to own up to their bad reading habits – 35% admit to folding over the pages, while 13% confess to sneaking a peek at the ending before finishing a book. Just 6% divulged that they have neglected to return a library book.

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