Interesting language in a Bob Novak column: John McCain, who has spent the last two months trying to consolidate right-wing support as the Republican candidate for president, has a problem of disputed dimensions with a vital component of the conservative coalition: the evangelicals. The biggest question is whether Mike Huckabee is part of the problem…

This year’s newest explanation. A Cuneiform clay tablet which for over 150 years defied attempts at interpretation has been “revealed” to describe an asteroid impact which in 3123 BC hit Köfels, Austria, leaving in its wake a trail of destruction which is be credited with accounting for the biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah. The…

A friend in London who travels a lot around the world was visiting New York recently. We had a sobering conversation in which this very sophisticated traveler, who’s written numerous books about China, said she concerned that the growing impact of Islam around the world — including in Europe — would lead to a general…

The NYT looks at Black Liberation Theology and its declining significance in the black community — only a quarter of churches now follow the theology that stresses that God’s commitment to free the Israelites in the Bible, among other places, means he will free blacks today. This thesis is a big part of my new…

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