Three-year-olds can’t really know, but I tried to tell my daughters at breakfast what this morning really means: That anybody can grow up to be president of the United States. That anything really is possible. That pyramids can be flipped. I know that he’s not president yet; that she (the first woman!) is not going…

From a NYT profile of Lee Child: He is the sort of person who carefully outlines his replies, explaining that there are three reasons for this or two causes of that, and he has a mind that’s a midden of trivia. He knows why watches in ads are always set at 8 minutes past 10,…

The headlins focus on the inflammatory rhetoric from the president, and John McCain ranted — and exaggerated — yesterday at AIPAC about Iran’s threat to Israel, but, once again, the real news is more subtle, and more promising. STATE DEPARTMENT officials commonly complain that without an embassy in Iran, the United States cannot decipher the…

Its nickname: Evogod. God may work in mysterious ways, but a simple computer program may explain how religion evolved By distilling religious belief into a genetic predisposition to pass along unverifiable information, the program predicts that religion will flourish. However, religion only takes hold if non-believers help believers out perhaps because they are impressed…

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