The last of my brother’s blogs. * * * I was on the floor the other day and came across a man of about forty who wore on his left breast what looked like a military medal. A small ribbon pinned to his chest with a medallion hanging from it. It was the credential that…

My brother’s dailiy blog from inside the hall. * * * President Carter addressed the Georgia delegation this morning. Recently, he said, he’d been interviewed by the editor of the British newspaper “The Guardian” and had been asked whether a President Obama could change America’s reputation in the world in his first 100 days in…

My brother’s latest blog. He’s the official photographer of the Georgia Delegation. * * * Considering I described myself yesterday as a pop culture moron, the funniest response I’ve gotten so far was, “Who’s Angela Bassett?” In the wake of opening night there’s been a lot of play about Carville and company complaining about lack…

The latest entry from my brother’s convention blog. * * * Since American presidential elections are often described as horse races, it seems appropriate to say, “And they’re off!” The Convention was gaveled open today at 3:00 Mountain Time. Given that it didn’t adjourn until 9:00, you might wonder what fills all that time. The…

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