I was looking at a Merriam-Webster dictionary on Amazon and came across this comment from a parent.

Christian parents should know that this dictionary has only a generic, small case listing for “god” while listing “Allah” as a specific entity. I don’t have a problem with “Allah” being listed that way, but I believe that “God” should also be recognized with a specific, capital-letter listing. Most other dictionaries, Scholastic for example, do it that way (i.e. “God” is the god of Christians and Jews.) I also noticed in some of DK’s science books that evolution is stated as a fact, while some other books, like Osburne, state that “most scientists agree… [about the idea of evolution].”

Are dictionarieis really threatening to Judeo-Christian values? [G]od forbid.
Update: Original type in the headline now corrected!

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