Feiler Faster

Newsweek has a fascinating cover story this week on the future of the book, timed to coincide with the newest e-reader book silver bullet by Amazon. The retailer is releasing Kindle, which it hopes will do what all the previous e-readers have not done: sell. Here’s Newsweek, by contrast, describing the perfect reading device: “It…

Soaring in the polls in Iowa, Mike Huckabee is getting some scrutiny to go with his mo. Mr. Wallace, on Fox News Sunday, asked Mr. Huckabee about a range of alleged ethical shortcomings –- including accepting gifts while he was still governor of Arkansas. The Fox host quoted one Arkansas journalist’s assessment that Mr. Huckabee…

If you’re a woman of a certain age, better think twice before you down that sweet potato souffle on Thanksgiving! Or, for others I know: Better have seconds! Check out the last line of this amazing article about the Ultimate Twin City, Igbo-Ora, Nigeria, the self-proclaimed “Land of Twins.” There is hardly a family here…

Singapore Airlines tries to kill it. The A380 may have the world’s first airborne double bed, but it won’t be put to the obvious use if Singapore Airlines has its way: “If couples used our double beds to engage in inappropriate activity, we would politely ask them to desist,” said the company’s Stephen Forshaw. “There…

I was asked recently to wade into the debate over The Israel Lobby, the controversial book about the influence of the Christian- and Jewish- fueled Washington lobby the supports the State of Israel (and is also said to have fueled the war in Iraq and is said to be fueling the heavy-breathing around Iran). As…

That’s the title of a first-ever Economist debate being held this week in New York, tied in to their cover story on the subject this week. Good timing, if nothing else. If you’ll be in New York on November 10th and would like to attend, they’ve given me 10 tickets to give away to readers…

As the discussion on Beliefnet the last week suggests, the Religious Right clearly seems to be a definitional moment in the United States. Part of it is the parade of sex scandals in recent months. Part of it is the political overreach in Washington. Part of it is the decision the Republican Party faces whether…

While we’re on the topic of the Holocaust, a group of Jews is reenacting the Exodus from France 60 years ago in one of the more embarrassing bungled attempts by the British to maintain harmony in Palestine. The episode was the inspiration for Herman Wouk’s Exodus, about the founding of Israel. A boat sailed from…

And they made the trains run on time. And they planted lots of flowers? A quarter of Germans believe there were some positive aspects to Nazi rule, according to a poll published Wednesday—a finding that comes after a popular talk show host was fired for praising Nazi Germany’s attitude toward mothe rhood. Pollsters for the…

With this blog, I thee wed. I’m using this occasion to join my colleagues at Beliefnet in a new joint-blogging venture called Casting Stones. As anyone who’s checked out the effort knows, it can be very fast-moving, occasionally heated, but quickly apologetic. And for most the last few days it’s been focused on the cover…

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