Feiler Faster

Time for a confession. Careful readers will notice a line in WHERE GOD WAS BORN about my anxiety about leaving my new wife and traveling to Iraq in the middle of the war to visit biblical sites and continue the journey of WALKING THE BIBLE. At one point I report that a friend and former…

I’ve been invited to appear on CNN on Monday, sometime between 7 and 9 AM, to discuss the revelations about Mother Teresa contained in a new book, and outlined on the cover of TIME this week. The essence of the story is that Mother Teresa’s letters are being published against her wishes, and they contain…

I’m usually skeptical of any claims to have a “million man” march, or a “million moms,” or any such magic number. But a friend of mine seems to have some momentum for a “million voices” to speak up in favor of some progress on peace in the Middle East. Frustrated with the ongoing instability in…

End of discussion? I’m over age 60, and was circumcised at birth and don’t remember a thing about it. However, i have been a practicing nudist most of my life – and i can tell you that there have been times i wished that i had the protection of the foreskin, from scratches, abrasions –…

Gives new meaning to the idea of resurrection. The Rev. Jerry Falwell had life insurance policies worth $34 million and the money has been used to erase the debt of Liberty University, the school he founded. The televangelist’s son, Liberty Chancellor Jerry Falwell Jr., said his father had named the university and the Thomas Road…

I’m bumping up my post of a few weeks back, The End of Circumcision, because it’s generated a huge outpouring of thoughts, from men and women (lots of women commenting on circumcision and what it does to the appearance of the penis), Jews, Christians, and Muslims, those for and against. A few comments that jumped…

Circumcision rates nearly cut in half in the USA. I guess Prince William set off a trend. Should Jews follow? More and more are saying yes. While the United States is one of the few industrialized countries in which a majority of newborn boys are circumcised, recent surveys show that the American circumcision rate, which…

My older brother’s name is Andrew. My little sister’s name is Cari. My name, of course, is Bruce. Do a little figuring, and you can see that our names are alphabetical. It was accidental, having more to do with when various relatives passed and when they needed to be honored, but the joke around our…

When I went to Iraq a few years ago for WHERE GOD WAS BORN, I drove from the Garden of Eden and Abraham’s birthplace in the extreme south of the country to Nimrod and Nineveh in the extreme north. Now, of course, Western journalists never travel this route. I also ate in restaurants, frequently, though…

I recently got into a little back-and-forth with Mrs. Feiler Faster over whether it is OK to give children iced tea. Now comes word that a teenager in Britain actually overdosed on coffee. Obviously this is an extreme example, but if I, as a grown man, feel the effects of a few M&M’s eaten at…

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