Feiler Faster

Barack Obama to the Christian Broadcast Network today on the robo-calls and emails that kept repeating his name as Barack Hussein Obama and saying he was a Muslim: This is obviously a systematic political strategy by somebody because these e-mails don’t just keep coming out the way they have without somebody being behind it. Basically…

More evidence that Feiler Faster is slowly becoming the theme of yet another primary cycle. Momentum Mori: Fred Barnes joins those noting that “momentum” has run out of steam in 2008: The idea of momentum is that you generate support in subsequent primaries when you win one. Not this year. Fox News anchor Brit Hume…

Oh, the science-cause-the-Bible’s-miracles crowd is going to love this. A powerful volcano erupted under the icesheet of West Antarctica around 2,000 years ago and it might still be active today, a finding that prompts questions about ice loss from the white continent, British scientists report on Sunday. The explosive event — rated “severe” to “cataclysmic”…

As the world markets wince, a startling view of the power of the U.S. economy. Source. [The full map may not appear on all screens, click on the link to see that the New Jersey economy is the size of Russia’s.]

Is Muslim modest clothing the new killer app in track and field? A high school track star has been disqualified from a meet because officials said the custom-made outfit she wears to conform to her Muslim faith violated competition rules. Juashaunna Kelly, a senior at the District of Columbia’s Theodore Roosevelt High School, has the…

Beliefnet has become the go-to place for provocative, balanced, multi-faith points of view. Now they’re taking a survey. Cast your vote here.

And not a moment too soon. After losing out on a $1.5 million chair in Islamic studies last month, Temple University announced it has received a new gift from a local energy executive and former Catholic seminarian to fund a chair in interfaith dialogue. Harry Halloran, 68, who took just one religion course at Temple…

Finally we are hearing talk about a truce in the battle over race between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. I don’t buy it, exactly. The Clinton folks have too much too gain by subtly pointing out that race still divides America, Obama is black, he once did drugs, he spent a lot of time in…

Princess Diana has posthumously entered the interfaith relations debate a decade after her death. The inquest into her death heard that her mother called her a “whore” for “sleeping with Muslim men.” Frances Shand Kydd made the comment when she discovered her daughter was in a serious relationship with heart surgeon Hasnat Khan. The pair…

As a parent of preschool-age children, I face this all the time. But in the sacrament? The Rev. Bill Miller-Zurell was recently presiding over Communion, moving from congregant to congregant, offering the body, offering the blood, until he got to a little boy who, seeing the piece of bread, stopped the pastor short. “He asked…

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