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“The Concept of Woman”
Kristina Robb-Dover
In light of yesterday’s spirited discussion on Facebook around women’s leadership issues, sparked by Michael Frost’s re-posting of Mars Hill teaching pastor Mark Driscoll’s very controversial radio interview, I wanted to recommend a wonderful not-so-little (1,100 pages in fact) tome of a book written by Prudence Allen. The book, The Concept of Woman, is actually her second…
“Coffee with Jesus”: Jesus Sits Down with Mark Driscoll
Kristina Robb-Dover
Laughter is the best tonic for my and my husband’s anger this morning after reading Mark Driscoll’s latest series of blatantly chauvinistic remarks- (if there is a fine line between chauvinism and misogyny, I’m not sure where it is)- about women in leadership. Maybe Driscoll’s remarks, excerpted below from an interview with British radio host…
Remembering Dr. King’s Peacemaking Legacy
Kristina Robb-Dover
When today we honor the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., who in 1964 received the Nobel Peace Prize for his heroic and painstaking work as a civil rights activist, I am struck by King’s words on the eve of the Montgomery bus boycott in 1955. At the time, King was a young, relatively unknown…
Food for Thought: Did Jesus Come to Abolish Religion?
Kristina Robb-Dover
The below video, titled “Why I Hate Religion But Love Jesus,” has stirred controversy on Youtube by implying that Jesus is opposed to religion. Which begs a question: did Jesus come (at least in part) to abolish religion? If you’re brave, leave your thoughts below. I, for one, think that Jefferson Bethke (the video’s creator…
Was Jesus a Tea Party Member? Weird Sayings Continued…
Kristina Robb-Dover
“Jesus said to him, ‘What do you think, Simon? When the kings of the world collect taxes or duties, who do they collect from? From their own families, or from outsiders?’ ‘From outsiders,’ he replied. ‘Well then,’ said Jesus, ‘that means the families are free. But we don’t want to give them offense, do we?…
Can Faith Move Mountains? Weird Jesus Sayings Continued…
Kristina Robb-Dover
“I’m telling you the truth: if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. But this kind only comes out by prayer and fasting.” Matthew 17: 20,21 Jesus’ claim here is weird because…
The Freedom Riders
Kristina Robb-Dover
“Make ready for the Christ, whose smile- like lightning- sets free the song of everlasting glory that now sleeps in your paper flesh- like dynamite.”-Thomas Merton Just the other day my son played his first basketball game as the only white kid in the 6-and-under age category on his team, “The Freedom Riders,” (which plays…
Rachel Held-Evans on “Real Marriage” and Why She’s Right
Kristina Robb-Dover
Mark Driscoll, the founding and preaching pastor of Seattle’s Mars Hill Church, apparently has a new book out titled Real Marriage: The Truth About Sex, Friendship and Life Together. I was introduced to Driscoll’s book by a friend (Rachel Held-Evans) of a friend (Michael Frost) on Facebook, and while I have not read it, I now feel…
Apocalypse 2012?
Kristina Robb-Dover
Just the other day I heard someone speculate that 2012 could be the year of Jesus’ return. At the very least, we weren’t getting any further away from the day. But, if you’re wondering whether to stop investing in your 401K plan and start building a fallout shelter, or make for the highest summit closest…
The Haves and Have-Nots: Weird Jesus Sayings Continued
Kristina Robb-Dover
“You’ve been given the gift of knowing the secrets of the kingdom of heaven,” Jesus replied, “but they haven’t been given it. Anyone who already has something will be given more, and they will have plenty. But anyone who has nothing- even what they have will be taken away! That’s why I speak to them…
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