20,000 children will lead the May 2012 World Prayer Assembly in prayer for the world. Wow. Which begs the question: can prayer be social justice? After watching this video sent on by organizers of the May 2012 “World Prayer Assembly” in Jakarta, Indonesia, I am tempted to think so, albeit with some hesitations. (Incidentally, if you have an inkling to stop by and can afford the two days of air travel- I’m tempted!- you are warmly welcomed to attend.)
When I watch this video I am once again reminded that the church in the global South is not just alive and well but on fire with the Holy Spirit in a way that can teach us something about the intersection of prayer with God’s mission to reconcile all things to Himself and redeem us and our world: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHUo_YvQVpg&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PL4581B1614A51748F