Fellowship of Saints and Sinners

…a town called “Fucking,” and the town is in Austria. The etymology of the name dates back to the sixth century when “Focko,” a Bavarian nobleman, named the town after himself. (I’ve always wondered about people who name towns after themselves. That’s a bit like writing a book and then dedicating it to yourself. Since…

This week my son has been teaching me about the importance of being transparent about our questions about God and life. I mentioned he was scared. He still is. The source of his fear, a giant foot on a rampage belonging to nobody but itself, has now morphed into Chuckie. (Remember the movies back in…

Early this morning, I was just drifting off into the halcyon waters of deep sleep REM when my son woke me up to say he was scared. I was non-plussed on a third consecutive night of one or another or both of my children waking me up to tell me of their fear. Mustering up…

It’s good to be back here at this intersection between life and God. While we were away, my husband picked up a large coffee table book about space. (It’s no wonder that he once nursed a dream of becoming an astronomer.) Every so often he’d blurt out in amazement at the size and scope of…

Greetings from Shelter Island, New York where I’m vacationing after the completion of the manuscript for Grace Sticks. (Next week I’ll be back to the regular schedule of 3-5 posts a week.) “Kemah” is the name of my family’s home here; the term is a Native American expression meaning “face into the wind.” On our last…

This week’s feature comes from one of my favorite bands, The Lumineers, who recently performed in my city of Atlanta. “Dead Sea” is a song for every restless soul who in pursuit of True Love chooses the adventure of the open road over the security of staying put. I’ve been moving to the beat this…

It’s another week of hermitic writing, I’m afraid, so you’ll be hearing less from me as I push through edits from a second revision. But this morning I stumbled upon a report from Religion Today which I found interesting in light of my church small group’s conversation yesterday around prayer and learning to trust God…

The other day as I sent my hubby and kids off to an escape at the beach far away from my manic dash to the finish line on the manuscript for Grace Sticks, I was struck once again by the power of the human imagination. During that ungodly, 6 a.m. drive to the airport, we…

Here’s the beginning of that list I promised earlier, just for starters- 8 reasons for why I’m convinced God has a sense of humor, in no explainable order: 1. God plays with dirt to make human beings and even heal them (like in the healing of the blind man, when Jesus essentially puts a mud…

If you tune in to one of my favorite blogs, Andrew Sullivan’s The Dish, you’ll find an ongoing conversation there about the occasional promise and (more commonly) perils of the generation that follows mine: the “Millennials.” This demographic is of great interest- mainly because one in three Americans under the age of 30 now goes…

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