There is no secret getting a daily practice of meditation in place will keep you in conscious contact to the deepest stillness of your being creating the ability to return to your center with greater and greater ease as you move through your day, avoiding the pitfalls of triggers and stress.

Meditation is the answer to your peace of mind and well being as you open to deeper presence in your work, life and relationships.

In this practice of connecting to yourself you prepare your body, mind and soul for the experience and presence of your life. There is no other way around it. No cheat to this process of slowing down, opening up and expanding the space between your thoughts.

Get in a daily routine. Create the moments in the fullness of yourself downloading whatever files, upgrades, information that needs to be integrated to your system.

In short. Meditate, meditate, meditate.

This is the most rebellious and radical approach to taming your ego and getting detached from your thinking, freeing you up to rise into your most grace filled self.

Spend a little time getting rebellious! Now and then over the coming Mondays I’ll offer up some different forms of meditation. Some practices you can experiment with and some people you can follow to jump start and guide you through until you find what works in your life.

Here’s some links to check out–

Wikipedia’s overview on Meditation

OSHO discussing the Book of Secrets on meditation how you find the technique that works for you…

A morning mediation via a channel

Meditations, Affirmations and Prayers from Debbie Ford

Investigate, evaluate and find a process. Be curious. Let God do the work of delivering the perfect exercise for you. Just be willing.

Remember five minutes of mediation in the morning will guarantee you have a connection to yourself all day.

Have a glorious day!

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