The soul’s siren song is always broadcasting and could care less about your plans. The soul doesn’t make any distinctions between light and dark, doesn’t care about pain or heartache, and absolutely doesn’t want to hear what you think you should be doing.
Listen to the simple sounds of you. Let your song be your guide. Take this great month of August and celebrate everyday.
Nothing complicated. There is no act required that is beyond your capabilities. There is only and always the simple principle, the simple sound of your Truth. Again, you may have been tuning it out, it might not be something you want to hear, but the journey lies in that Truth. How we choose our actions amplify the radical edge of our tune lifting ourselves beyond current circumstances, carrying us into the unlimited possibilities of the tides of tomorrow.
Give yourself, your partner, your family a gift. Focus on your own song. Get out there and sing it.
In doing this you give the gift of shifting and deepening your inner power allowing everyone you encounter to focus on theirs.
Take today and make it yours.
Fill it with Love and joy.