Listen to your surroundings and find the sounds of joy.
Hear the sounds of Love that fill the world of the Earth’s heart.
Take today to remember as Rumi wrote – ‘Whatever I was looking for was always you.’
Every search begins and ends within, in the full presence of all light that is your essence. Everywhere you look you are surrounded by the embrace of all that is divine. Plant whatever seeds remind you of this truth. Plant them in the hearts of your friends, in the minds of strangers and in the embrace of your loved ones. There is no greater miracle than to hear beyond the ears and to love with all your heart, radiating outward from source expanding creations power with each incredibly fortuitous breath of life.
Allow for the grandest expression of light to bring forward all the seedlings necessary for the re-birth of our creative infrastructure of peace. Deliver that which opens the flood gates for all to come. Enabling the little ones to experience the safety of its source. Offering this unconditional love allows roots to spring forward and divine flowering to flourish, grounding the earth. Living in the oneness of all that is so that the cycles and the flow of nature can work its powerful magnificence. Enjoy, and as you do, when you ask what is our responsibility in this day and age where consciousness oozes out of every projection, where love waits beyond the fear, the answer is faith. Faith in the unseen. Faith in Love. Faith in each other and faith in a God that is in us but not of us. Faith in that relaxing beautiful nature of the divine father and the earth mother to do what they do. Extend the creationism of birth and light to shine as brightly as possible, in all its forms as the absence of self and the wholeness of what will be.
What has been, is undone, and what will be, has begun.
Lots and lots of Love and blessings today and everyday.
Hello Strength….
Today’s offering is a Mantra for strength using the RAM seed sound “rum”
Take a deep breath extending from the center navel chakra manipura and the body’s power centre.
Begin to say “Rum” for the RAM seed sound. Keep breathing saying “Rum” from your power centre.
Until you feel stronger Use your tone and breath to ease into your power centre and achieve the mantra’s intention full and total Harmony.
Rise Up.
Be a light to the world.
Here’s a mantra to song expanding on the RAM energy adding the Sanskrit seed sounds to revive and ignite your vibrational core.
Mantra’s are spoken expressions of energy that vibrate with healing energy inviting more and more into your consciousness.
To support your efforts, I share a teacher of mine that started my practice of Mantra based meditation, Thomas Ashley Farrand. Farrand’s work focused on bringing this ancient technology and language forward. In his book “The Ancient Power of Sanskrit Mantra and Ceremony: Volume I” he shares his insights on Om Namah Shivaya as:
“While this mantra has no direct translation. The sounds relate directly to the principles which govern each of the first five chakras on the spine…Earth, water, fire, air, ether. Notice that this does not refer to the chakras themselves which have a different set of seed sounds, but rather, the principles which govern those chakras in their place. A very rough, non-literal translation could be something like, ‘Om and salutations to that which I am capable of becoming.’ This mantra will start one out on the path of subtle development of spiritual attainments. It is the beginning on the path of Siddha Yoga, or the Yoga of Perfection of the Divine Vehicle.”
Again, mantras are spiritual formulas for working with universal energies expressed through you. They are designed to eliminate obstacles as we progress spiritually.
Allow that source of energy to do its stuff within.
If Mantra’s call to you – check out Thomas Ashley Farrand’s work here. It will foster the divine experience that can not be defined by words.
Day Fifty Three of #LoveLand101
Melanie Lutz is a screenwriter, author, and visual story teller living in Los Angeles. Follow her on Twitter….Tweets by @mobilemel
Enjoy this chant I found on youtube.