In the spark of a breath Each of us is an act of peace Lit up by the power of our constant pulse of being… Establishing a frequency… to surrender. What you are remains unchanged.  Today is the day to remember the truth of your purpose and live it with grace. Day Fifty Eight of …

“Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become. ” -Unknown Today is an easy one. Let love flow establishing a frequency to surrender removing any blocks to the awareness of love’s fullest presence. Let what naturally wants to be expressed have its day in the…

My heart hurts when I hear the ideas and thoughts that spring up when tragedy strikes, or for that matter anytime there is something that happens that triggers us and the reaction blows up creating chaotic energy with a rush to do something. Today, is the day to Hold On.  Help in the form of…

Love is an experience we get to practice every day, with each breath. Through this practice we learn that responding when we are centered with Love creates miracles and quells our human nature to react with our ingrained defensiveness, which only leads to fearful decision making, inadvertently causing separation and hurt. That which unites us…

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