What do Epiphanies have in common?

They are openings in the chaotic projection of daily life.  They are awakenings to the truth of the authentic self.

As the world makes a shift
We need a space to remember

Great moments happen in the instant of saying yes. Remain awake with me to the deeper truth where bliss rains.

Transformation and the ascension of the soul is  a universal experience where the truth lives through the story

As Joseph Campbell talks about the most powerful story you will ever tell is the life you are living.


Getting bare

Loving everything.

Being grateful for what you have, carrying the torch of possibility by being willing.

Change your language with love and change the conversation.

Lighten up.
Love your story
Live the magnificence of who you are.

Live your story and love the future.

With Heart.

Willing to suspend the limitations to create an opening that brings enlightenment and shifting

Fed by the season
In the natural order with what is happening

Working with the natural rhythms of the universe

Having fun

Enjoying the newness of now.



Day Ninety Two of  Melanie Lutz’s #LoveLand101

Melanie Lutz is a screenwriter, author, and poet living in Los Angeles check out more at www.melanielutz.com


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