YOu Rock! Have a DreamAs we age it is our responsibility to grow younger, to remember time and space are illusions of consciousness available to calibrate us into the present moment.

Evian waters nailed it with their delightful campaign…

Where does our innocence live, how is it that when we return to this understanding of the truth of that which lives eternally we are in joy with our life exactly as it is.  Lifted up and shining in true glory.  In this state of grace, no matter what becomes of us, we know that everything is fine.  In remembering in each moment we are given the privilege to return to the ground of our being, that innocent child of wisdom and love.  that which lives eternally in our hearts and minds and is without worry and finds the magic in the present moment..

God can only be known through his works.  God is our work in the world.  A work of art tells us that nature cannot make what man can make. When I’m lost I turn to nature to provide. It’s always there. When you want to give something presence you have to consult nature. Your materials speak to you. Honoring what you use. Honor the material. That’s how I take life. We glorify what is not short change it. I surrender all that came before All the pieces and places I cannot change I stand here growing younger with each breath in all the glory that was and ever is. I surrender all that came before all the pieces and places I cannot change I stand here reaching and stretching and growing younger.


We don’t go through life accepting all the love there is around us. It’s one of the strangest parts of the gift of love and the ‘protections’ that came into being at its outward birth into the human-ness of the world.  It was the hardest thing to learn that being generous out of self-interest was the way. The only way.

Main teaching of the bible is “Love.”  God is love.  Play out of weakness and live in your strengths.  Rustle forward and embrace your inner freedom to dance.

My internal voice loved.  Loved.  To call out.  “Try to put your best foot forward.   It took me forever to connect, the best foot forward is the inner most expression of Yourself.

We have all been given so many gifts… It is time to open up the doors and let it free.

If you enjoyed the above video, here’s the video that started the magic.


check out this great behind the scenes film revealing how they shot the Baby Dance Grooves


Evian’s Live Young campaign is a global sensation.

Allow your life to be in service to growing younger, day by day, in every way.


Check out more at Melanie Lutz’s site 

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