“After 911 we were called to be our best selves after sept 11th it’s important to remember our best selves to rise to what was necessary, not because it was easy…”

Mel talks with Mara Brown about the light workers called to Ground Zero to help the souls reach God.


Service and love and peace and how can I be of assistance through deep listening is the space to occupy after unimaginable suffering and disaster. There was so much love post 9/11 and if you imagined the world today if our reaction had been peace and not a brutal attack and war.

What if All Our Thoughts Were Loving?
What if All Our Thoughts Were Loving?

For all the souls resting in power —

I will be still, and let the earth be still along with me. And in that stillness we will find peace. It is within my heart, which witnesses the losses we have experienced. Peace is shining in me now.


Love, Mel





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