… Give me excess of it; that, surfeiting, the appetite may sicken, and die.”
Love is the nourishment of the soul.
Shakespeare delivering the best and the worst of it. For me, there is a soundtrack ever playing along to my life, I cherish the way it serves my soul and lightens my mood and feeds whatever is calling to be brought forward.
“Each day is a blessing; each day is an opportunity for us to realize miracles and be the miracle workers God created us to be. Each surrendered thought helps us to find the answers to all our questions in the perfect peace of God.” — Marianne Williamson – –
As the sun rises on each new day, it is a magnificent opportunity to recenter ourselves. It is absolutely a new day for each of us to rocket into the spirit of our ancestors and get into the birth of a new nation…
A nation where every child is fed — Where we take responsibility for what is ours to own; Where we express the same interest in a murder trial, a cat video, a television show, that we do in voting for our representatives; Where we go out of our way to be kind to someone we have never been kind to before; Where we remember we are human and as such make all the mistakes that we tend to point out and make fun of in others.
This just might be the day where everything changes and you experience the most phenomenal version of yourself.
I hope so.
Enjoy today and everyday.
lots of love,