Everything I want I have. A simple statement.


How do we embrace what we already own?

The answer is always easy.

By giving the gifts we have been given. By sharing what is in your heart. By offering all of our self to the effort without shame and discomfort or needing anything.

In god’s eyes the gift of that which is most precious, that you love, that is your authentic expression of self, that which you have offered with love and received in the fullness of god’s eyes is everything. How we come to remember this and stand in the living brightness and the glory of this light. Fully loved and completely held. Is the acceptance of self.

We do this in each moment we bare ourselves to sharing ourself all of ourself with another.

Standing naked and unashamed sharing the gifts we have been given.

Feeling it. Living it. Open hearted and fully alive.

This is the grown up mature experience of being present to god’s work in a heaven on earth receiving the blessings offered as we uncover what wants to be shared releasing any fear by loving ourself.

I say in this light.

This is me.

I am.

Lots of smiles and love,


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