The passing of Stephen Covey reminded me of one of the powerful stories he shared in his ground breaking work 7 Habits of Highly Effective People that changed my life when I read it.
When traveling in a subway he witnesses a Father get on board with his two sons, the sons are running all over the place bothering people, this continues, so he finally gets irritated enough to ask the Father why he doesn’t do something to control his kids. The Father replies, “We just got back from the hospital where their Mother died. I don’t know how to handle it and I guess they don’t either.”
Suddenly everything is seen differently experiencing the power of a perception shift. They are the same kids yelling and screaming in the subway, but you look at them and understand them in a different way. Compassion begins to flow, understanding adds to the detail and your story you created falls away.
Atonement is healing our perceptions as that which is seen with Love never changes and is not based on the perceiver’s interpretation making an allowance, adjusting vision, letting compassion lead the way to relax our heart as irritation floods away.
Nothing has outwardly changed the shift has taken place in our heart releasing into the moment.
We can’t change what others do we can change ourselves and in each moment we can extend love to those who come into our field and offer them a blessing knowing they are dealing with the inner and out workings of life and we are all on this great big subway together.
It is time to make a shift. It is happening now and there are No Limits in what is possible. Each of us is in the perfect position to make a shift and achieve the sort of inner peace heretofore unheard of. Lasting sustainable peace on earth. In the coming months we will be launching a movement here on Flight of the Soul — Peace War (IS ON!)
Get out there and take that beat to see a circumstance and situation with Love in your heart and experience what shifts.