Taking responsibility for your part in any drama that occurs enables a lighten-ing of the grip of blame, leading the way to owning your place in the world allowing forgiveness to flow.

In the midst of your life is a space of stillness. A space where you can hear everything that is in service to a beautiful garden of your being. Living from that space delivers a life to its purpose.  Clearing the hurts and the shame and the attachment to what someone did to you and then explaining how they wronged you for years is the surest way to remaining on the cross of your own personally inflicted crucifixion. Are you ready right now to release yourself by truly allowing God and that universal force of creation to ease the burden by giving it over?  The true joy of each day is waking up in full knowing today is a day where I will live a new day. A magnificent day. A day of absolute love for myself and the world I inhabit.

Detach from the person, object, relationship or circumstance that seems to be causing you troubles, release the thinking that seems to keep you stuck in the drama of the situation and listen for an answer. Remember, stuck is just another word for there is another way. Whether it is to break free from the falseness of anyone or anything that is too small for you, or it is to think Lovingly about the situation presenting and deeply listen to what is in your heart whatever the answer no matter how it sounds because it is your answer, uniquely individualized for your circumstance. Listen as if your life depended on it.

Don’t let other people hook you into their unloving fearful thinking tempting you out of your loving center.  If something sounds judgmental it is. If it sounds nuts. If it feels crazy making. If you feel tense. You got it. When a decision is built on fear “its seeming certainty is but a cloak for the uncertainty it would conceal. It needs irrational defense because it is irrational. And its defense seems strong, convincing, and without a doubt because of all the doubting underneath.

Do not get caught in other people’s insanity, or more importantly, your own. Wash the entire story with Love and bare witness to the truth. When a decision is made in Love doubt ceases. Love brings peace of mind and a certainty of purpose. Move toward that sacred feeling of warmth in the embrace of the truth. Move toward the light of Love.

Don’t be tempted to forget your mission to forgive everyone as you move freely into your own inner peace.  True and complete forgiveness emanates when you make a commitment to forgive and be forgiven.  As ACIM says forgiveness offers everything you need.

Forgiveness is the way you remember nothing is going to harm you.  Give it over and take your place in the land of love.  Accept forgiveness for yourself and everyone.

Enter the sacredness of your truest home, that space where love and forgiveness meets an open heart becoming a soulful force of nature.  Become today someone who is full and rich and free of the past judgements and dramas and struggles.

Take charge of your life.  Take a stand for forgiveness.

May I give up what has happened to me and leap quantum style into forgiveness laying aside blame.

lots of Love,




Day Six of #LoveLand101 days of Love and Inspiration.


Melanie Lutz is a screenwriter, author, and poet. For more from Melanie, visit her Flight of the Soul blog on Beliefnet.



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