Love ignites the soul and is the ultimate unfolding energy of our life. Loving thought expands everything. It is the beginning and end of every story in your life inviting more and more peace of mind into your present.

Ignite your power. Super charge your creativity, your dating life, your relationships, your job, your community, your home inviting the miraculous into the full force of being simply by being more loving today than you were yesterday.

Get beyond any surface story, through the emotions and feelings and wounds dropping deeply into what lies beneath opening to explosive effortless creativity by connecting to your loving center and allowing the natural expansion and flow of energy to expand without judgment and reserve. That which is love never changes. Let the bliss of your life flow into the ocean of effortlessness that is always available. Blow the chains off that which is in you but not of you and watch everything flourish. Open your heart and experience that space beyond belief through the blocks and limiting programming simply by remembering who you are and what love is.

Love is everywhere and in everything.  Don’t take my word for it. Get into a practice and see. Think with Love and go about whatever activity is in front of you. Let go of your need to criticize yourself and everyone you encounter. Watch whatever your engagement in the activity through the eyes of perfect love. See how it feels. See what you experience. Be loving for no reason and especially be loving with those that you are closest with. It will always surprise. It may feel challenging and different to start. It does not mean it is difficult. Unloose your mind and be love. Right now.

Sacrifice is nowhere and love is everywhere. In losing the ideas that keep you in a fear filled unreality you release yourself into the bright light filled unknown of that which is eternally at play and in concert with all that is waiting to be.  l Look at it this way.

There is a garden growing and flourishing brilliantly within the ground of your being utilizing divine intelligence symbiotically blossoming in service to the highest expression of who you are. This garden is nourished by Love. In this inner space of complete love you are extending outward in the natural flow of your self.

In the preface to Emanuel Swedenborg’s Divine Love and Wisdom the Latin Translator of the text talks about the sketch of a Roman Garden that adorned the title page of each of Swedenborg’s books under the phrase Cura Et Labore “with care and work.” The image of a beautiful garden with a cherub like Angel watering the plants tending to the well loved garden’s growth and harmony strikes to the core of any process.

It is a reminder of the wisdom and grace that exists when discipline is applied to commitment in realizing the fruits of our labor. It represents the opportunity for us to make manifest the joys of a life fully lived in divine Love. When we enrich each moment with care and work, making conscious choices. Free of the energies that keep us bound. We allow nature to take its course in harmony without calling out the struggle, we effortlessly step into the full beauty of existence.

Love allows that which is in us to work through us in essence getting out of our own damn way so the co-creating that lives and breathes in nature is flowing. Move into the garden of your being remembering everything is as it is with love.



Melanie Lutz is a screenwriter living in Los Angeles and all around inspiration and career coach committed to a practice of love in every situation and circumstance.

Check out LOVE LAND ideas to open your heart with love at the Beliefnet Store.

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