Being a love warrior is standing in support of wellness in our homes, our communities, our world. A warrior shifts percepttions by sharing the truth. A warrior supports us in growth, delivers necessary information, speaks with justice for those who need support and always remains in service. It is remembering we are the creator and the created born to heal that which goes off track. It is the truth that we are here to be in service to each other, to lover our neighbors and to care for the welfare of all those in need, it is to be kinder and to act with courage and love.
There’s some deep mofo stuff happening in the world. We are at a point where half the planet is overweight and the other half are starving. Where you can’t shake a stick without someone going off the anxiety spectrum of fear and defensiveness. A few things I know for sure. There are more people who are kind
and loving than there are people who are filled with hate. There are more ideas to protect the planet than there are people commited to destroying it. There is a shift at play in consciousness, we are on the cusp of a widespread
transformation in our reality into something else. We are presented with a choice in each moment, whether we are going to choose love or choose to stay asleep. Whether we are going to take loving compassionate action or stay silent and inactive. Whether we are going to be numb to the necessary intentions of healing or we are to become an active peace warrior and let love do its thing.
Take a loving action today and see how it feels. Here’s a little Mels Love Land talk on being a love warrior and shifting your perspective on Soundcloud.