We make our world out of seeing what we want to see.  Today is the day to accentuate the positive. Johnny Mercer’s lyric to Harold Arlen’s music for the song Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive is luscious and as always with these standards totally profound — published in 1944 capturing the mood of a world looking toward the end…

“Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love.  All expressions of Love are maximal.” Today is an easy one. Let love flow brilliantly establishing a frequency to surrender removing any blocks to the awareness of love’s fullest presence. Let what naturally wants to be expressed have its day in the sun.  ” It’s just another ordinary…

CELEBRATE YOUR LIFE EXACTLY AS IT IS. You have everything you need.  People show up with miraculous gifts and loving embraces and wonderful opportunities.  Celebrate everything.  Enjoy the pleasant exercise of having to do nothing but celebrate.  Relax and enjoy and celebrate with cupcakes or hugs or smiles everything that comes your way. Enjoy the…

BE INSPIRED. BE LOVING. BE YOU. Remember your inspiration. Remember you can reconnect into the space of your being.  Remember who you are. See the moment of transformation in clarity. Understanding the idea that Love lives and breaths within. It is a level of deepness and openness, a meeting place of all hearts. Knowing the…

You hit the point where excuses are not acceptable. Whatever it takes, make a commitment to yourself and keep it. Do it… No No… Seriously. You are almost half way through transformation, making a shift in your heart. Don’t stop now. Make Love your mantra as the total purpose of doing what is next takes…

Whatever you are doing that isn’t loving, therefore not true, stop it.  Right now. It’s not funny. You are as Pink sings “a hazard to yourself.” STOP IT. Take the time to understand the deeper cause of your behavior and don’t act it out. Recognize the story you are running on yourself and stop. Life…

You are amazing. It is time to own up!  Love you, all of you. It’s time to move into deep respect and appreciation for who you are as you. No holding back. Say it loud and say it proud “This is Me” and love all of you. if you want to take it up a…

Margaret Mitchell’s character Scarlett O’Hara had it down in Gone With The Wind… “I won’t think of this or that bothersome thought now. I’ll think about it tomorrow.” Generally when tomorrow came the thought either didn’t occur at all or if it did was so attenuated by the delay it was not very troublesome. Pull a…

Open your heart fully. Let the essence of your self radiate today and blossom with every word you speak. “Around me the trees stir in their leaves And call out, “Stay awhile.” The light flows from their branches. And they call again, “It’s simple,” they say, “and you too have come into the world to…

Allow everything to open up in the place of connection where walls and separation crumbles and falls away surrendering to the giving and receiving of love in its purest form. “Free of the constraints of the lie you have been telling yourself forever” and remember the infinity loop of heaven on earth in the fullness…

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