Flight of the Soul

These words spoken by Martin Luther King, Jr. spell out the point of no return. Oddly enough in our times it is both. We go forward through chaos and continue to grow our community of love. Every great dream begins with a dreamer.  Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to…

When I think of all of the experiences of my life and all of the people I have met, I want to experience the smile of compassion and understanding that we are all doing the best we can.  I want to stay present in the loving moments that were shared. I want to remember the love felt and…

The trick is not believing in what you can see, but believing in what you can’t.  There’s some deep mofo stuff happening in the world. We are at a point where half the planet is overweight and the other half are starving.  Where you can’t shake a stick without someone going off the anxiety spectrum of fear and…

Love is the wake up call of the moment. This is the destiny of this expression of humanity. This is the way that we understand our destiny to love and be loved.  The mechanism of love, those internal gears that are developed over time and in the flow of our life as we practice the discipline…

As we achieve a collective gridlock in beliefs, ideologies, passions, fundamentals, and opinions the only choice left is to go into the deeper conversation. There’s a Latin phrase that represents a foundational element of the healing arts, medicine, and the sciences, Primum non nocere — “First, do no harm.”  Entering any situation with this simple thought sets the stage for…

Each of us finds our own way on the path of the peaceful spiritual warrior in Love, as my favorite Rabbi shares “capable of wrestling with life without being defeated by living.” Each of us finds our own way to express this language of the heart and live in our joy. May you be blessed today. May…

“Wise men don’t need to prove their point; men who need to prove their point aren’t wise.” — Tao Te Ching – Lao Tzu Thinking with love is a blessing to ourselves and the world we inhabit. Being loving is not meant to prove a point.  It is an action that is whole and complete.…

Loving thought in the world creates space for unlimited possibilities.   That energy of love’s purest grace is made manifest through our soul’s code working in concert with our nature.  How we cultivate this powerful force of our being relates the ease at which we move through the world lending our imprint. Cultivating love in…

The miracle isn’t getting what it is you think you are praying for, a miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love.  Nothing changes your loving makes the change. Faith and Love practiced in the present bring us into the miracle of our days. Life’s gifts arrive as they are needed with the closest…

A few things to Remember with Love…. -Change is a constant. The Earth never stops moving and spinning and evolving. -Freedom is something that our ancestors fought for and should never be taken for granted. -The heart is always ready to sing a song and your body and spirit love to dance. -Love always remains…

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