Brian Wurzell, a fellow blogger at, posted this interview with three young women who are going beyond change-the-world rhetoric and putting their money, time and energy where there mouths are to combat the international sex trade. Bethany Hoang, Jeannie Mai and Naomi Zacharias discuss the organizations they work with and how we can get involved.  …

Woke up this morning with the chorus ‘Canary in a Coal Mine’ by the Police running through my head. (That’s Sting’s old band, for you young’uns.)  I couldn’t remember the verses. Just a continuous loop – canary in a coal mine, canary in a coal mine, canary in a coal mine.  I am familiar with…

I can’t stop thinking about trust. Who we trust, why we trust them and how behavior and decision-making is impacted by our answers to those questions.  It started with the Swine Flu. The CDC and World Health Organization were conducting press conferences and sharing information through the media and people responded. Some pooh-poohed it from…

I came across the following exchange on Facebook… Status update: “I know God loves me, but how could God love **her**?” What do I do with that? Response… Admit that it is a good point. That unconditional love is ridiculous. Made me think about how easy it is for us humans to bring our own…

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