Came across the following thought-provoking definition of the nature of the Bible in an online text written by one of my professors.  “The Bible is the record of…Divine breakthroughs into human history. ‘God’s search for man,’ it is described, rather than being our search for God. Unlike most religious literature, it is not chiefly a collection…

It is starting to really hit me. I wrote a book and it comes out in April. Sure, there are things to do between now and then, but the train is rolling and I am on it. The writing part was challenging…and wonderful. A friend asked recently if it was cathartic and – although I…

Summer is here in the US, a season many of us long for. I love being outdoors in warm weather, especially being from the east coast where we only get two very hot months. It’s the time when I plan my vacation and recreation.  We rarely stop and think about familiar words like vacation and…

I’ve been thinking a lot about Michael Jackson. How can you help it? His life and death and music is all over the media. It has eclipsed news about Iran, Iraq and North Korea. Between Michael, Farrah, Ed, Billy and the deaths of other high-profile people in recent weeks, the recession, billions being spent on…

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