Woke this morning thinking about sacrifice and how infrequently most of us, myself included, actually sacrifice anything of true value to ourselves for God and others. Sure we give money to our favorite charities. But when is the last time we actually parted with money that would have gone to paying our bills or buying food for ourselves or our families for someone in deeper need?

And yes, we donate our time. But rarely when to do so places an inordinate burden on our own schedules or the needs of our immediate families and friends.

While there are many interpretations of what it means to live out the Christian faith, it is hard to weave through Eastertide without recognizing that following Jesus requires us to die to ourselves and reemerge a living sacrifice, learning to become people who can love and serve friends, enemies and the world beyond what is practical.  Yet we toss those words and concepts around, feigning awe at Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross while serving our own personal needs, comforts and political agendas.

I wonder what our communities would look like if we actually lived this out? If we dispensed with following Jesus in ideology or philosophy and began shouldering the cross in the world into complete, humble sacrificial service to others?

I suppose taking the step in my own life and encouraging others to do the same is one way to find out…

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