I read a blog post yesterday in which a woman referred to herself as a “cafeteria Catholic.” I’d never heard the term, which she said was a derogatory description for people who pick and choose to follow parts of her faith, Roman Catholicism, and abandon the others when they don’t agree with the church for…

I’ve been reading a lot of blog posts, newspaper articles and email newsletters written by people who seem to have a handle of their intentions are for 2010. Whether listed under the heading of resolutions, goals, guiding principles or dreams and wishes, many of these folks seem to have a clear vision of where they…

Have you ever thought you might get a great project off the ground in your community — “if you only had the money?” Well the Pepsi Refresh Project is giving away millions of dollars in grants in 2010 to individuals, not-for-profits and socially-conscious businesses that are interested in doing good. The Refresh Project’s “How it…

What makes for a Merry Christmas?  Receiving the perfect gift?  Setting an HGTV-ready table?  Parents doing just the right things with/for their kids?  Kids expressing just the right amount of gratitude to their parents?  What makes for a Bah-humbug Christmas? Annoying in-laws? Family feuds? Financial difficulties? Unmet expectations? But, what would happen if we decided to…

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