I’m travelling from New York to Cambridge, MA (home of Harvard U) on Sunday evening to attend the Center City Summit: Where Faith and Secular Culture Meet. The event is billed as: A first-of-its-kind event where you can connect with and be inspired by folks from all over the country who have a passion for…

Yo decido escribir en Espanol todos los Miercoles a mis Miercoles en Espanol. Hablo con suceso para quatro semanas, pero excribo solamente un tiempo. Es muy dificil, especialmente los frasas. Tengo muchas palabras, pero las frasas son diferente. Mi esposo dice y yo me acuerdo que yo necesito memorizo muchos frasas tipicos. Si tu tienes…

I’ve spent the past week or so knee-deep in a very interesting dialog about “deconversion” that was spurred when a posting on this blog titled “Atheism Sells” caught the attention of the folks at de-conversion.com. I’ve enjoyed learning a little more about this community of people and their journeys toward and away from God. It…

Today is my one-month anniversary as a blogger. Before all of you early-adopter types start giggling, you can rest assured that I am well aware that I am behind the curve here. The impact of Web 2.0 on communication and marketing was a hot topic in PR circles before the term Web 2.0 was coined…

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