Flirting with Faith

Summer is here in the US, a season many of us long for. I love being outdoors in warm weather, especially being from the east coast where we only get two very hot months. It’s the time when I plan my vacation and recreation.  We rarely stop and think about familiar words like vacation and…

I’ve been thinking a lot about Michael Jackson. How can you help it? His life and death and music is all over the media. It has eclipsed news about Iran, Iraq and North Korea. Between Michael, Farrah, Ed, Billy and the deaths of other high-profile people in recent weeks, the recession, billions being spent on…

This is the second part of a previous post where I introduced kenneth, a commenter on the blog whose spiritual journey has taken him from Catholicism to Paganism. Toward the end of his story, he makes a statement that I found particularly compelling. He writes: “I still have a certain amount of bad blood with institutional…

Internet communication on blogs, Facebook, Twitter and the like seem to receive either high praise or deep concern with regard to the future of interpersonal communication. On the one hand, there are those who text, Tweet and update their status on every move they make. Others are skeptical, citing their perception that these services promote…

Sitting on a black leather covered banquette in a funky basement performance space in the East Village last night while a group of passionate and talented writers read smart, often hilarious, stories about their bumbling, stumbling and wrangling toward faith, the seemingly simple but always loaded question, “What kind of Christian are you?” left me…

A guest post from Dr. Suzan Johnson-Cook (Dr. Sujay) Last week we asked, “Whose Hands is it in?”  This week, I’d like to focus on “What’s in your hands?” Moses was an amazing figure in Biblical history. In fact, many more recent historical figures were compared with him. Harriet Tubman, the activist and freedom fighter…

Michael Jackson was a cultural icon, an amazing talent, a child prodigy and, unfortunately, a person whose personal issues ran so deep that he spent many years hurting himself and others. I can only know what I read about this man and his family – stories of his days on the road with his brothers…

Most people who frequent this blog know that both of my parents passed away last spring. They were young by today’s standards, 65 and 67. My mother was sick for some time and succumbed to kidney cancer in April. My father died suddenly 20 days earlier from a stroke.  To say that the days leading…

There Is a Hole in My Sidewalk: Autobiography in Five Short ChaptersBy Portia Nelson, sent to me by a good friend. Chapter OneI walk down the street.There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.I fall in.I am lost…I am helpless.It isn’t my fault.It takes forever to find a way out. Chapter TwoI walk down the street.There…

This is the first of seven weekly guest posts from Dr. Suzan Johnson-Cook, Author, Speaker, Senior Pastor at the Bronx Christian Fellowship Church in New York and Founder of Wall Street Wednesdays, a mid-week service that has been held for more than a decade in the heart of the New York’s Financial district.    WHOSE…

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