Flirting with Faith

“Don’t push your way to the front; don’t sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead.” Philippians 2:3 (The Message) No one has missed the headline story this week – 33 Chilean miners are being rescued after being trapped for an agonizing 69 days. It’s an incredible story with a…

Can you boil down your spiritual journey to just six words?  The writers at Killing the Buddha thing so and have collected some beautiful and thought-provoking “six-word spiritual memoirs” in the comments section of their post titled Six Word Journey.  If you’ve never read Killing the Buddha, you should check it out. Described as “a religion…

In this TED clip, author, secularist and CEO of Project Reason, Sam Harris discusses the relationship between science and morality, arguing that questions of good, evil, right and wrong can be observed and answered by science. He argues that matters of “human flourishing”–which have traditionally been considered the milieu of faith, religion and philosophy–can and…

Yesterday I wrote about my feelings of helplessness related to the widespread rape, mutilation and destruction of women in the Congo at the hands of both rebel and government forces. While I would have loved to offer some some answers, I was sure when I wrote the piece that it would be impossible for a…

I woke this morning thinking about an 80 year old woman in the Congo named Anna Mburano. Her story and that of 200 other women who were brutally gang raped for four days by 200 men who swarmed their small village was on the front page of the New York Times yesterday.  This photo of Anna…

Teenager and aspiring singer/songwriter Megan McNeil has been battling an aggressive cancer since she was 16 years old. She wrote this moving and well-perfomed song, The Will to Survive, to raise awareness and money to battle childhood cancer. The song (which was produced by Rage Against the Machine and Nickleback producer, Garth RIchardson) is available on both iTunes and…

Fascinating interview with atheist author Christopher Hitchens…

A friend (aka band psychotherapist Rockshrink) posted the following quote from Grammy-winner and former Fugee Lauryn Hill who is discussing why she left the music industry. It reminded me of how many people in church ministry, especially those who walk away, describe their  experiences. Sound familiar to anyone? “There were a number of different reasons,” she…

New Atheist pundit and writer Christopher Hitchens has reportedly suspended his book tour for the recently released Hitch 22: A Memoir in order to undergo chemotherapy for cancer in his esophagus. The 61 year old gave up smoking in 2008.   I have two hopes in this moment:  (1) That he will have peace as…

I came across the following on the Writers Write blog.  82-Year-Old Teacher Lands Three Book Deal The BBC reports that 82-year-old teacher Myrrha Stanford-Smith has landed a three-book deal after writing her first novel. The trilogy is a fictional account of William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe’s rivalry. Myrrha told the BBC that she was really expecting to…

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