This was originally posted last year, but it’s on my mind again today… Reading a “secular” textbook this morning about the roots of Americans’ tendency to define themselves by the work they do and came across this: “Calvin’s doctrine of predestination led his followers [to view] success in work…as a visible sign that one was…

Woke this morning thinking about sacrifice and how infrequently most of us, myself included, actually sacrifice anything of true value to ourselves for God and others. Sure we give money to our favorite charities. But when is the last time we actually parted with money that would have gone to paying our bills or buying…

Wondering about the meaning of Holy Week and Easter? A new friend and talented author, pastor, artist Dr. David McDonald, has created a helpful site called The Common Truth: Ordinary Stories for an Extraordinary Season that offers thought-provoking daily reflections and inspirational Easter season stories for Palm Sunday, Fig Monday, Great Tuesday, Spy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and…

Wondering about the meaning of Holy Week and Easter? A new friend and talented author, pastor, artist Dr. David McDonald, has created a helpful site called The Common Truth: Ordinary Stories for an Extraordinary Season that offers thought-provoking daily reflections on Palm Sunday, Fig Monday, Great Tuesday, Spy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and…

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