4393514042_ff5e669e66.jpgFun, fun! The Religion News Service blog is reporting that representatives of Jewish Funds for Justice have received over 1,000 entries so far in their Glenn Beck haiku contest.They’re particularly interested in people’s haiku comebacks to Beck’s controversial statements in March about social justice churches:

“I beg you, look for the words ‘social justice’ or ‘economic justice’ on your church website. If you find it, run as fast as you can. Social justice and economic justice are code words [for Communism and Nazism]. Am I advising people to leave their church? Yes!”

Readers of Flunking Sainthood may already know how I feel about Mr. Beck’s controversial statements, because I blogged about it here in March. But to say it in haiku . . . that’s a whole new challenge!

You can vote at the site for your top haiku statements, or you can create your own in the 5-7-5 meter. (If you do, please share them here too.) Here are some of the site’s top contenders so far:

Bend it like Beck – and
Kick the words around until
Justice is “Just-Us”

“You look like Glenn Beck”
Somebody once said to me
Then I grew a beard

And finally:

Things you don’t deserve:
Respect, an audience, and
A full haiku. 

I am dreaming up my own Beck-u. Maybe something like this:

I’m haikuing you

One Mormon to another:

Our church loves justice.

Or how about this one?

Social justice calls

Christians to make sure hearts aren’t

Two sizes too small.

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