Friends, as many of you know, I am going to be teaching part-time during the spring semester at Miami University of Ohio. I’m excited about this opportunity, but since this is in addition to my regular job as an acquisitions editor it means I’ll have less time over the next few months to devote to…

For Christmas this year, my daughter received a two-episode DVD of Little House on the Prairie Christmas shows. We watched one yesterday, and I was all a-blubber. Thanks to guest blogger Tania Lyon for reminding me of why I loved this series as a kid, even though, as she points out, the behind-the-scenes realities of…

Merry Christmas! Our devotions from Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s God Is in the Manger: Reflections on Advent and Christmas have passed through the waiting and mystery of Advent to the joy of Christmas. Much of that joy, at least for me, comes in being with family and friends at Christmas. But for Bonhoeffer in the last few…

Fun Facts About Esther: • Esther is the only book in the whole Bible not to speak of God. • Esther is the only book in the Old Testament that’s not also in the Dead Sea Scrolls, because lots of folks back in the day recognized that the story was meant to be fiction. •…

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