Tomorrow I start teaching my course on Religion and Popular Culture at Miami University. I am excited about teaching — and particularly about the course topic, religion and popular culture. This gives me an excuse to watch too much television and call it “work,” and I am all about that. But consider this. The last…

I’m always looking for interfaith stories, and this one is beautiful. Healing words like Leanna’s are especially needed nowadays, when many of her fellow evangelical Christians are deeply suspicious of Islam. –JKR “A Borrowed Abaya and a Middle Eastern Mosque” By Leanna Tankersley When Steve and I had been married just eight days, we boarded…

Warning: Rant to ensue imminently. This week marked the sudden demise of SyFy’s series Caprica, a spinoff prequel to Battlestar Galactica that starred Eric Stoltz as the troubled scientist who first created Cylons. It would have been nice to know that the end of the show was nigh. I wasn’t prepared for this particular apocalypse.…

Stage 4 cancer at 42? That was the diagnosis for Hamline University theology professor Deanna Thompson, who has blogged elsewhere about the diagnosis and her faith. Here she ruminates on how cancer opened her up to receive blessings from people of her own faith, another faith, or even no faith — all courtesy of the…

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